herban feast Tag

Find out how to create bright, trendy floral arrangements with a little guidance from Herban Feast’s Herban Design Studio.  "Summer is in full bloom with a variety of color options, including exciting purple palettes and calming arrays of blue grays,” says Rebecca Dashow, lead designer at the Herban Design Studio. “I love seeing the...

Photo Courtesy: Garrett Grove Photography Imagine… wandering through an urban forest, cotton tree branches, moss laden ground, and just the two of you, hands clasped. Antique bird cages, vintage cake stands and the magical land of an urban fairytale designed especially for you surround. Rich browns, vibrant...

Guest blog: Huoy & Walter at Sodo Park by Herban Feast Once my husband Walter and I got engaged, we ventured into the world known as “planning our wedding”. It was uncharted territory indeed, but it was also one of the most rewarding projects we have...